Category Archives: 2012

9 July 2012

South China Morning Post published Board Director Roger Nissim’s letter to the editor, which pointed out the problems of the columbarium project and explained the benefits of a non in-situ land exchange.



June – July 2012

Active lobbying of ACE members regarding Sha Lo Tung continued.  The Foundation requested for a formal meeting with ACE members but was refused.



25 June 2012

The Foundation requested to be heard by the EIA sub-committee (EIASC) of the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE) but was refused.  On behalf of the Foundation, Board Directors Ruy Barretto and Lam Chiu Ying observed the open segment of the meeting of EIASC on 25 June.  Lobbying failed to stop the EIASC giving a conditional endorsement of the EIA report of the proposed columbarium project at Sha Lo Tung.


香港鄉郊基金求出席環境諮詢委員會(環諮會)的環境影響評估小組委員會 (環評小組)的有關聆訊但被拒,結果董事局成員白理桃及林超英觀察了開放予公眾人士的環節。游說未能阻止環評小組「有條件地」接納「沙螺洞骨灰龕項目」的環評報告。

19 June 2012

The Foundation submitted its formal comments on the EIA report of the proposed columbarium project at Sha Lo Tung, alongside some 300 submissions by members of the public, many of which were the results of the “write-a-letter” campaign.



June 2012

The Foundation initiated the formation of an alliance of eleven concerned groups, to prompt the government to do the right things for Sha Lo Tung.  A “write-a-letter” campaign was launched by the alliance, urging the public to send comments on the EIA report of the columbarium project, pointing out its problems and objecting to the project.


香港鄉郊基金發起由11個關注組織匯合的聯盟,敦促政府為沙螺洞採取正確行動, 聯盟發起「一人一信」運動,呼籲公眾對「沙螺洞骨灰龕項目」的環評報告,提交回應意見,指出問題所在和反對該項目。

13 June 2012

A joint press conference was held by the Alliance, to bring the Sha Lo Tung subject, especially the ecologically damaging columbarium project, to the attention of the public.  A joint statement to the government calling for the shelving of the project was issued and sent to relevant government officials.

Press release document

13 June 2012 Joint press conference on Sha Lo Tung (Source: Green Sense)
2012年6月13日 沙螺洞聨合新聞發佈會(資料來源:環保觸角)



4 June 2012

Following the publication of the revised Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) of the Sha Lo Tung columbarium project, a briefing was given to green groups and concerned policy organizations about the latest developments.


環保署公開諮詢修訂後的「 沙螺洞骨灰龕項目」環境評估報告(環評報告)後,就最新事件發展,基金為環保團體和政策關注組織安排了沙螺洞簡佈會。

31 May 2012

Board members briefed Ms Carrie Lam, then Secretary for Planning, about the Sha Lo Tung case and the Foundation’s proposal.

31 May 2012 Meeting with Carrie Lam, then Secretary for Planning.
2012年5月31日 與林鄭月娥 – 後來的規劃局局長會面。


29 May 2012

A letter was sent to the private company which owned land in Sha Lo Tung, prompting them to drop the columbarium project in favour of an alternative viz. value-for-value non in-situ land exchange, which would avoid environmental damage to Sha Lo Tung.


致函擁有沙螺洞土地業權的私人公司, 敦促擱置骨灰龕項目及接納等價非原址換地方案,以免破壞沙螺洞的環境。