Tag Archives: 北部都會

2024-3-12 Letter to Editor

2 reasons Hong Kong should rethink its massive technopole plan

(The letter to editor of SCMP was published on 12 Mar 2024. Roger Nissim is currently Vice-chairman of the Hong Kong Countryside Foundation.)


Shenzhen is now the undisputed IT equivalent of China’s Silicon Valley with heavyweight companies such as Hua Wei,Tencent, BYD and DGI firmly established there. Currently Tencent have plans for a new ‘Tencent Campus’ covering a 133 ha site with 2m sq.m of floor space for 80-100,000 employees. These companies are acting like a magnet for other like-minded companies, it being reported that no less than 86 startups are planned for Shenzhen this year.

Hong Kong by comparison will continue to struggle to compete against this. As noted in the recent Budget speech, we have just lined up 40 businesses, last year and this year, under the Attracting Strategic Enterprises scheme.

The current 300ha site for the San Tin Technopole as described in the EIA is going to cause huge environmental damage with some 89 ha of valuable wetland to be destroyed in an area immediately adjacent to the Mai Po Nature Reserve, a Ramsar site of great significance. To offset this a significant portion of the planned Sam Po Shue Wetland Conservation Park is to be set aside as compensation. This Park was originally stated in the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy to be 520 ha but now, without any explanation or justification, has now shrunk to 338 ha, a further loss of 182ha!

So given the twin challenges of competing with Shenzhen and the potential for huge environmental damage in this very sensitive area there seems to be a good case for taking a precautionary approach by proceeding in phases to be better able to assess the true cumulative environmental impacts this development will have but, just as importantly, to properly test the marketability of this newly created I&T land?

 A suitable Phase 1 would be to stay focused on the development of the Lok Ma Chau Loop which covers an area of 87.7 ha of which 53.49 is earmarked for I&T.

Roger Nissim

2022-5-26 粉嶺高球場可成中央公園

香港鄉郊基金顧問   劉勵超







收回粉嶺高球場發展公屋是政府於2019年基於政治考慮而作的臨急抱佛腳決定,未知當時政府為了找一個quick fix急就章曾否考慮此舉對北區計劃大綱會產生不可逆轉的影響,遑論政府兩年後才推出的北部都會區的構思。粉嶺高球場部分「去勢」的行動,跟之後去年10月政府公布的《北部都會區發展策略》中的「實施創造環境容量」和「締造高景觀價值的戶外生態康樂/旅遊空間」兩個重點行動方向是背道而馳。


(原文刊登在2022年5月26日 「信報」財經新聞)

Submission on Northern Metropolis Development Strategy 北部都會區發展策略意見

北部都會概念界線圖 (圖片來源:北部都會區發展策略報告書—2021年10月)

24 Feb 2022

Wutong Mountain/ Robin’s Nest/ Pat Sin Leng Ecological Corridor (Source: Northern Metropolis Development Strategy Report_10/2021)

The Foundation made a submission to the Chief Executive on “the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy ”

(Full document: 2022-02-24 HKCF Submission to CE on the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy )


(中文譯本: 2022-02-24 香港鄉郊基金向特首提交意見